John Todd

Mr John Todd

John Todd, Founding Head / Director of Education at Charterhouse Lagos

John Todd, Founding Head / Director of Education at Charterhouse Lagos Nigeria

John brings many years of school leadership to the role of Founding Head / Director of Education and is excited by the challenge of Charterhouse Lagos’s mission to bring world-class education to the heart of Nigeria. Born and educated in the UK, John read Natural Sciences at University College, Durham and has a Master in Education from the Open University. He qualified as a primary school teacher and worked for a short time in the UK before moving abroad. His international career has taken him to Singapore, Kenya, Nigeria, Qatar and most recently China. John was Headmaster of Dulwich College Suzhou for four years and then moved to Shanghai as Regional Director of Schools at Dulwich College International, for a further four years. In this role, John was the Chair of the Board of Management for all of the China schools. In addition, he served as Group Director of Safeguarding with an overall responsibility for Safeguarding including policy, compliance and coordination. John recently completed an online Masters in Organisational Leadership from the US, and is working towards an online MBA.


John is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA), and a Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching (FCCT).

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