Enter the Market Audaciously
Seth Godin says, “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”
It is a normal human emotion to feel afraid when faced with the unknown. Business owners, especially start-ups, share the same emotion when entering a new market.
The same Seth Godin quoted that “…people often believe what their friends tell them...”
This statement emphasizes the importance of Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing strategy.
Edves Startup Market Entry program gives EdTech companies the privileges the WOM marketing
strategy would give, which are: “Trust and Attention”.
Crucial ingredients in acquiring new customers and retaining them.
Edves Startup Market Entry program offers startups an opportunity to enter the Nigerian market
by providing them with the platform to network with participants at our Catalyst event who are potential clients.
Startups who take advantage of this would gain the following advantages:
Brand Awareness: Your company story, products, and services would be made
known to a large audience while meeting and greeting prospective clients.
Sales Opportunity: With stakeholders and key decision makers and players in the African K12 ecosystem
present at our Catalyst event, startups would be able to connect, sell and seal deals with prospects.
Networking: Pre and post the Catalyst Event, start-ups will have the chance to maintain connections with prospects who have indicated interest during the event.
On-ground support: Once registered and selected, registered companies would have
access to the support of the Edves team where and when needed to assist in establishing contact
with your clients and prospects.
Take this chance to audaciously enter the Nigerian Market that promises great clientele
for your products and services. Register here: https://catalyst.edves.net/marketentry/